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Acrílicos y técnicas mixtas / tela

Mixed Techniques and Acrylics / Canvas


Para este joven y notable artista, la pintura es su medio de expresión.

Indagando en ese mundo de magia, lo fantástico nos transporta a la emoción real y verdadera.

Sus trazos y colores, el pulso de su mano, son ecos que perciben el latido de su corazón.

Estamos ante el hechizo, que es el hallazgo, que es la creación.

Muestras tus sueños felices, la otra cara del espejo…

El pincel con que pintas lo humedeciste con magia.

Trabajador incansable.

Artista de todas partes.

Mexicano universal.


For this young and noteworthy artist, painting is his means of expression.

Enquiring in that world of magic, he transports us to the real and true emotion by his fantasy.

His outlines and colors, the pulse of his hand are echoes that perceive the beat of his heart.

We are confronted by the spell that is discovery, creation.

You show your happy dreams, the other face of the mirror…

The brush you paint with is dampened with magic. You untiring worker, artist from all over, universal Mexican.


Alejandro Echeverría

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